Posts Tagged 'TAD'

What’s new in orthodontics?

What’s new in orthodontics?

If you had braces as a teenager and you are now contemplating orthodontic treatment for one of your own children, you will find that a lot has changed over the years. I had braces when I was in high school, and mine were the proverbial “train tracks” or the metal bands wrapped around every one of my teeth. That was in the late 1970’s and my how things have changed!

Shortly after my braces were removed, most orthodontists were ...

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What are Temporary Anchorage Devices?

What are Temporary Anchorage Devices?

A temporary anchorage device (or TAD) is a very small screw that can be placed inside a patient’s mouth to provide a rigid point of anchorage. They typically are 6mm to 10 mm long and they are made out of titanium metal which is a biologically inert material that will not corrode in the mouth or be rejected by the body. They are designed to hold firmly in the bones of the jaws and be compatible with the ...

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