Posts Tagged 'Invisalign'

What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

There is often confusion about dentists and orthodontists. What is the difference between the two? Well, dentists are like your primary care physician. They oversee and manage your general dental health. With routine dental cleanings, they maintain the health of your teeth, gums and supporting structures of your teeth. Regular exams allow them to monitor potential problems and diagnose dental issues that need to be taken care of. They restore teeth that have decay ...

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What’s new in orthodontics?

What’s new in orthodontics?

If you had braces as a teenager and you are now contemplating orthodontic treatment for one of your own children, you will find that a lot has changed over the years. I had braces when I was in high school, and mine were the proverbial “train tracks” or the metal bands wrapped around every one of my teeth. That was in the late 1970’s and my how things have changed!

Shortly after my braces were removed, most orthodontists were ...

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Why do some people get white spots on their teeth?

Why do some people get white spots on their teeth?

One of the most exciting days in a person’s life is when their braces come off. That is why it is so disheartening when white spots are revealed right after the braces are removed. This can be extremely frustrating after all the time and money spent to get that beautiful smile. Do braces actually cause these white spots on the teeth? Can they be prevented? Can the white spots be fixed after they appear? ...

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Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Many adults would love to have straighter teeth or have their bite corrected, but many of them also think that it’s too late to have treatment or they simply don’t want to wear braces.  Well, now more than ever, there are several different options for straightening teeth that may be virtually invisible and can take much less time than in years past.  Adults of any age can now straighten their teeth and get the beautiful smile they always wanted, and ...

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Which is better: Braces or Invisalign?

Which is better:  Braces or Invisalign?

Today’s technology has come a long way and patients have many choices when it comes to straightening their teeth.  A frequently asked question in our office is “Which is better:  Braces or Invisalign?”

Braces are made up of metal or ceramic brackets and metal wires.  A single bracket is affixed in an ideal position on each tooth.  A wire is then inserted through each bracket and this wire gently draws the teeth into their proper alignment.  An orthodontist is responsible for ...

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Just because they’re straight doesn’t mean it’s great

Just because they’re straight doesn’t mean it’s great

Why do people get braces on their teeth?  It’s certainly not to make a fashion statement nor is it to intentionally inflict the discomfort that typically accompanies braces.  No, it’s because they want straight teeth.  But the reality is that there is more to it than that … much more.

When I was a dental student, I had a keen interest in orthodontics.  I had braces on my teeth when I was in college, so the memory of the day when ...

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Is Invisalign treatment recommended for teens?

Here is an article we thought you should know about from

Straight Teeth: The First Month With Invisalign

mom teen daughter

Is Invisalign treatment recommended for teens? Yes! I’m a member of the Teen Invisalign Mom Advisory Board, and my son is receiving complimentary treatment. I was surprised to hear that many teens don’t get Invisalign because they think braces are better for them. Some people think Invisalign ...

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Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Everyone has heard the old adage “you get what you pay for”.  Well when it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s invariably true.  There are two different aspects when it comes to the cost of orthodontic treatment.  One is the perceived value of the overall treatment and the other is the cost competitiveness.

Most people think of orthodontic treatment as being expensive.  The typical costs for braces or Invisalign treatment for the average teenager is anywhere from $5000 to $7000 depending on ...

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Thank you to all who joined us for the Movie Party

Our Movie Day was a blast!  Hope you all had a great time!


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Have you been told you are not a candidate for Invisalign?

If you have been told that you are not a candidate for Invisalign, even after asking for this treatment option, then you should get a second opinion.  This should be Invisalign trayfrom an orthodontist who has a significant amount of experience with Invisalign.  The reason is simple.  Many cases can in fact be treated with Invisalign.

So why are patients still being told that they can’t use Invisalign and must instead ...

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