Posts Tagged 'Braces'

Food and Braces – the good and the bad

Food and Braces – the good and the bad

Orthodontic braces are used to straighten the teeth, which not only creates a more pleasing appearance, but also helps prevent tooth decay and other oral health problems. However, braces are only effective when they are properly cared for. For example, certain foods are better suited for individuals who have braces, as opposed to hard and sticky foods that can cause damage. So what types of foods should you or your kids eat to protect orthodontic appliances?

The best ...

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What you need to know about brackets

What you need to know about brackets

Brackets are one of the most important elements of orthodontic braces. To put it simply, they are what holds the wire in place on your teeth. They can be different sizes, colors and shapes depending on the technique used to straighten your teeth. Some examples of different types of brackets include metal twin brackets, self-litigating brackets and clear, ceramic or cosmetic brackets.

Over the course of history, brackets have been made out of many different types of ...

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What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

What is the Difference Between an Orthodontist and a Dentist?

There is often confusion about dentists and orthodontists. What is the difference between the two? Well, dentists are like your primary care physician. They oversee and manage your general dental health. With routine dental cleanings, they maintain the health of your teeth, gums and supporting structures of your teeth. Regular exams allow them to monitor potential problems and diagnose dental issues that need to be taken care of. They restore teeth that have decay ...

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What are Temporary Anchorage Devices?

What are Temporary Anchorage Devices?

A temporary anchorage device (or TAD) is a very small screw that can be placed inside a patient’s mouth to provide a rigid point of anchorage. They typically are 6mm to 10 mm long and they are made out of titanium metal which is a biologically inert material that will not corrode in the mouth or be rejected by the body. They are designed to hold firmly in the bones of the jaws and be compatible with the ...

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Why do some people get white spots on their teeth?

Why do some people get white spots on their teeth?

One of the most exciting days in a person’s life is when their braces come off. That is why it is so disheartening when white spots are revealed right after the braces are removed. This can be extremely frustrating after all the time and money spent to get that beautiful smile. Do braces actually cause these white spots on the teeth? Can they be prevented? Can the white spots be fixed after they appear? ...

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Which is better: Braces or Invisalign?

Which is better:  Braces or Invisalign?

Today’s technology has come a long way and patients have many choices when it comes to straightening their teeth.  A frequently asked question in our office is “Which is better:  Braces or Invisalign?”

Braces are made up of metal or ceramic brackets and metal wires.  A single bracket is affixed in an ideal position on each tooth.  A wire is then inserted through each bracket and this wire gently draws the teeth into their proper alignment.  An orthodontist is responsible for ...

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Why do teeth have to be extracted?

Why do teeth have to be extracted?

One of the most common comments that our patients or their parents make during the initial examination in our office is “why do teeth have to be removed before the braces go on?”  The answer to this question depends on several factors.

Everyone has two sets of teeth.  The first teeth to grow into the mouth are the primary or “baby” teeth.  These teeth typically fall out on their own between the ages of 5 and 12 years.  The second set ...

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Just because they’re straight doesn’t mean it’s great

Just because they’re straight doesn’t mean it’s great

Why do people get braces on their teeth?  It’s certainly not to make a fashion statement nor is it to intentionally inflict the discomfort that typically accompanies braces.  No, it’s because they want straight teeth.  But the reality is that there is more to it than that … much more.

When I was a dental student, I had a keen interest in orthodontics.  I had braces on my teeth when I was in college, so the memory of the day when ...

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Got Flex? It’s Time to Brace Yourself!

Got Flex?  It’s Time to Brace Yourself!

If you have a child in need of braces, now might be the time to put aside a few thousand dollars into a flexible spending account.  At many workplaces, it is now open enrollment period, the time of year when employees are given up to 30 days to make changes to employer-sponsored benefit plans.  A flexible spending account is a popular benefit option offered by many employers that allows participants to avoid taxation on money spent for health care and ...

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Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Everyone has heard the old adage “you get what you pay for”.  Well when it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s invariably true.  There are two different aspects when it comes to the cost of orthodontic treatment.  One is the perceived value of the overall treatment and the other is the cost competitiveness.

Most people think of orthodontic treatment as being expensive.  The typical costs for braces or Invisalign treatment for the average teenager is anywhere from $5000 to $7000 depending on ...

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