
What is Invisalign, and is Invisalign treatment for you?


Invisalign treatment is utilized to gradually straighten teeth as an alternative to traditional metal or ceramic braces.  Invisalign aligners are switched out in the series about every two weeks.  The number of aligners in treatment varies depending on your individual needs.  Each aligner is custom-made with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.  Since the Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised specifically by your orthodontist, you will end up with a smile that truly fits you.

Invisalign is the brand name of a revolutionary and innovative way to straighten teeth.  A sequential series of clear plastic aligners similar to bleaching trays are

If you’re ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign treatment may be your answer.  Although there are many choices out there, no system other than Invisalign works as effortlessly.  We believe Invisalign is the best way to transform your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life!  If you have had orthodontic treatment in the past and have had some relapse, but do not want braces again, you likely are a great candidate for Invisalign treatment.  To learn more about Invisalign, click on the link below.


Dr. Tanner and Dr. Reichhold Orthodontics

About the Author:

Dr. Gary Reichhold and his partner Dr. Stephen Tanner have been proudly serving families in Concord, Walnut Creek, Clayton, Pleasant Hill and the surrounding communities for over 20 years. Their office is conveniently located in central Contra Costa County and their experienced team is committed to providing you and your family with exceptional orthodontic care.
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