Posts Tagged 'Orthodontic Treatment'

Why do I need to wear retainers after orthodontic treatment?

Why do I need to wear retainers after orthodontic treatment?

People often ask why it is so important to wear retainers after their orthodontic treatment has been completed.  Well, to varying degrees, teeth will always shift back slightly toward their original positions when retainers are not worn faithfully.  This can partially and sometimes even completely undo the work that was done by the orthodontist.  Therefore, to continue to keep the healthy smile that braces or Invisalign aligners have made possible, it is crucial to take the time to make wearing ...

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Isn’t all Orthodontic treatment the same?

Isn’t all Orthodontic treatment the same?

Okay, first things first!  It is important to note that all orthodontists are dentists, but very few dentists are orthodontists.  What does this actually mean?  Well, all dentists must attend an accredited dental school for four years and they must pass the dental board examinations afterward to be licensed to practice dentistry in their state.  Once they are licensed, they can “technically” do anything within the realm of dentistry.  This includes orthodontics (braces and Invisalign), oral surgery (extraction of teeth ...

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Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Orthodontic Treatment – “You get what you pay for”

Everyone has heard the old adage “you get what you pay for”.  Well when it comes to orthodontic treatment, it’s invariably true.  There are two different aspects when it comes to the cost of orthodontic treatment.  One is the perceived value of the overall treatment and the other is the cost competitiveness.

Most people think of orthodontic treatment as being expensive.  The typical costs for braces or Invisalign treatment for the average teenager is anywhere from $5000 to $7000 depending on ...

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Have you been told you are not a candidate for Invisalign?

If you have been told that you are not a candidate for Invisalign, even after asking for this treatment option, then you should get a second opinion.  This should be Invisalign trayfrom an orthodontist who has a significant amount of experience with Invisalign.  The reason is simple.  Many cases can in fact be treated with Invisalign.

So why are patients still being told that they can’t use Invisalign and must instead ...

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What is Invisalign, and is Invisalign treatment for you?


Invisalign treatment is utilized to gradually straighten teeth as an alternative to traditional metal or ceramic braces.  Invisalign aligners are switched out in the series about every two weeks.  The number of aligners in treatment varies depending on your individual needs.  Each aligner is custom-made with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.  Since the Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised ...

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Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment

Why are there some children as young as seven or eight already in braces?  Well, these children are in Phase I orthodontic treatment.  Many young children exhibit early signs of jaw or bite problems such as excess overbite, narrow jaws and crowding.  In order to modify and correct these potentially negative dental growth patterns, the orthodontist “sets the stage” in Phase I and completes the treatment later in Phase II once all of the permanent teeth are present.  In this ...

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Facebook Contest for Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics in Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Clayton area

Win an iPad mini!!!

We are looking to expand our

Facebook Family and

we need your help!

*Our goal is to have 1000+ fans by May 31st

We have 230 raving fans and we can’t wait to have you join our Facebook Family too. Best of all, one lucky Facebook fan wins an iPad mini!

Entering the contest is simple. Go to our Facebook page by scanning the QR code below. You also can use one of our office ...

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