Archive for 'Invisalign'

Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

When you meet someone, one of the first things you notice is their smile. “Teeth are the brightest, most visual feature on your face,” says Michael Apa, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City. Or at least they should be. Your choppers can make you look older or younger, depending on how well you care for them. Here are the most common age-related dental issues and how to deal with them.

What Your Smile Says About Your Health

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Have you been told you are not a candidate for Invisalign?

If you have been told that you are not a candidate for Invisalign, even after asking for this treatment option, then you should get a second opinion.  This should be Invisalign trayfrom an orthodontist who has a significant amount of experience with Invisalign.  The reason is simple.  Many cases can in fact be treated with Invisalign.

So why are patients still being told that they can’t use Invisalign and must instead ...

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What is Invisalign, and is Invisalign treatment for you?


Invisalign treatment is utilized to gradually straighten teeth as an alternative to traditional metal or ceramic braces.  Invisalign aligners are switched out in the series about every two weeks.  The number of aligners in treatment varies depending on your individual needs.  Each aligner is custom-made with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.  Since the Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised ...

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