Archive for 'Industry News'

Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Health Tip: Caring for Your Braces

(HealthDay News) – While people who have braces don’t have to switch to a special diet, there are foods that can cause problems and should be avoided, the Nemours Foundation says.

If you have braces, you should avoid popcorn, gum, hard or sticky candy, and beverages that are too sugary, such as some sodas and juices.

The Foundation offers these additional suggestions to care for your braces:

  • Carefully brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack.
  • If you drink ...
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Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

When you meet someone, one of the first things you notice is their smile. “Teeth are the brightest, most visual feature on your face,” says Michael Apa, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City. Or at least they should be. Your choppers can make you look older or younger, depending on how well you care for them. Here are the most common age-related dental issues and how to deal with them.

What Your Smile Says About Your Health

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Is Invisalign treatment recommended for teens?

Here is an article we thought you should know about from

Straight Teeth: The First Month With Invisalign

mom teen daughter

Is Invisalign treatment recommended for teens? Yes! I’m a member of the Teen Invisalign Mom Advisory Board, and my son is receiving complimentary treatment. I was surprised to hear that many teens don’t get Invisalign because they think braces are better for them. Some people think Invisalign ...

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Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics ­- Bleachorexia: When Teeth Are Never White Enough


Here is an article we thought you should know about from ABC News

The American obsession with dental hygiene has taken an ironic turn over the past decade. In an attempt to have the bright, white, healthy-looking smile of the stars, many consumers are bleaching their teeth into oblivion.

Dentists call this addiction to whitening “bleachorexia,” calling the overbleachers “bleach junkies.” Such patients abuse in-office and at home bleaching agents, leaving teeth eroded, ...

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Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Watch your mouth article

Here is an article we thought you should know about from ABC News

Taking a seat in the dentist chair goes far beyond maintaining a healthy smile. Our mouths are the gateways to our bodies and can tell us more about our health than we may think. A dentist can detect nearly 120 medical conditions in their early stages. Dr. Jonathan Levine, an oral health expert and aesthetic dentist practicing in New York City, talked to Katie Couric about how good ...

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What is Invisalign, and is Invisalign treatment for you?


Invisalign treatment is utilized to gradually straighten teeth as an alternative to traditional metal or ceramic braces.  Invisalign aligners are switched out in the series about every two weeks.  The number of aligners in treatment varies depending on your individual needs.  Each aligner is custom-made with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place.  Since the Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised ...

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Why you should get orthodontic treatment

Here is an article we thought you should know about from.
aao_logo_199x108The goal of orthodontic treatment is a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. A good bite makes it easier for you to bite, chew and speak. This can enhance your dental health and your overall health, and may improve self-esteem.
Orthodontic treatment is often part of a comprehensive dental health care plan. ...

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What Causes Tooth Cavities?

Here is an article we thought you should know about from
crest-logoTooth cavities aren’t uncommon — but with the right dental health know-how, you can help prevent them. It all starts with proper brushing, daily flossing, and fluoride. Click here for more on this article.

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What is Good Oral Hygiene?



What is Good Oral Hygiene?
Good oral hygiene results in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. This means:

Your teeth are clean and free of debris
Gums are pink and do not hurt or bleed when you brush or floss
Bad breath is not a constant problem
If your gums do hurt or bleed while brushing or flossing, or you are experiencing persistent bad breath, see your dentist. Any of these ...

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Invisalign – Straight talk about crooked teeth.

Did you know that straighter teeth can also affect your overall health?

Invisalign is the clear way to straighten teeth without braces, using aligners. Aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing; and you can still eat and drink what you want. Many of our adult patients have never considered traditional braces but are now happily and comfortably improving their smiles with the Invisalign system.

Invisalign Treatment

What is Invisalign?

  • Clear way ...
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