Posts Tagged 'overbite'

Why do I have an overbite and what can I do about it?

Why do I have an overbite and what can I do about it?

One of the most common reasons that people seek orthodontic treatment is due to the presence of an overbite. An overbite is most commonly described as a condition where the upper front teeth are significantly forward or in front of the lower front teeth. A severe overbite can lead to an increased likelihood of trauma to the upper front teeth from a fall or injury, and it can also make it difficult to bite into some foods.

So what ...

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When is the Right Time to See an Orthodontist?



This is one of the most common questions that we are asked!  In the past, parents were usually told to wait until all of their child’s baby teeth were gone and all of the permanent teeth were in, or to just wait until their dentist told them that it was time to see an orthodontist.  However, this has changed over the years.

According to ...

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