Archive for March, 2014

Why do teeth have to be extracted?

Why do teeth have to be extracted?

One of the most common comments that our patients or their parents make during the initial examination in our office is “why do teeth have to be removed before the braces go on?”  The answer to this question depends on several factors.

Everyone has two sets of teeth.  The first teeth to grow into the mouth are the primary or “baby” teeth.  These teeth typically fall out on their own between the ages of 5 and 12 years.  The second set ...

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Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Health Tip: Caring for Your Braces

(HealthDay News) – While people who have braces don’t have to switch to a special diet, there are foods that can cause problems and should be avoided, the Nemours Foundation says.

If you have braces, you should avoid popcorn, gum, hard or sticky candy, and beverages that are too sugary, such as some sodas and juices.

The Foundation offers these additional suggestions to care for your braces:

  • Carefully brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack.
  • If you drink ...
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Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

Tanner and Reichhold Orthodontics – Age-Proof Your Smile

When you meet someone, one of the first things you notice is their smile. “Teeth are the brightest, most visual feature on your face,” says Michael Apa, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City. Or at least they should be. Your choppers can make you look older or younger, depending on how well you care for them. Here are the most common age-related dental issues and how to deal with them.

What Your Smile Says About Your Health

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